2.1 Configuring a Protected Port in CLI 2
2.2 Configuring a Protected Port in web GUI 3
3.1 Configuring MAC Binding in web GUI 4
3.2 Configuring MAC Binding in CLI 5
4.1 Configuring MAC Filtering in web GUI 6
4.2 Configuring MAC Filtering in CLI 6
Port Security helps secure any network by preventing unknown devices from forwarding packets. You can limit the number of MAC addresses on a given port. The ‘switchport security’ feature offers the ability to configure a switch port so that traffic can be limited to only a specific configured MAC address or list of MAC addresses that will be authorized to access the network through that port. This enables the individual ports to detect, prevent and log attempts by unauthorized devices.
Ports that are protected cannot forward traffic to other protected ports, regardless of the VLAN membership. However, protected ports can forward traffic to unprotected ports. Unprotected ports can forward traffic to both protected and unprotected ports. Port protection is used to avoid communication with two ports (Protected) within the same VLAN.
In the CLI, type in the following commands to configure a port as protected port:
Switch#configure terminal
Entering interface ge1/1 configuration mode
Switch(config)#interface ge1/1
Configuring interface ge1/1 as protected port
Switch(config-ge1/1)#switchport port-security protect
Saving the configuration
Display protected port information
Switch#show port-security protect
To remove the protection from a particular port, enter into interface configuration mode and enter the following command:
Switch(config-ge1/1)#no switchport port-security protect
Access the web GUI, navigate to Port Configuration → Protected Port, select the interface on which protected port is to be configured and click ‘Protected Port’. To unprotect the port click on port and click on the ‘Unprotected Port’ button.
MAC Binding is defining certain MAC addresses to a port allowing traffic only from those MAC-addresses. This feature can protect your network from ARP poisoning attacks, in which hackers try to change the MAC address of their computers to match a real device on your network. You can specify the number of MAC addresses that can be learnt or bound with an interface.
In CLI, the learn-limit is set as follows:
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#interface ge1/4
Switch(config-ge1/4)#switchport port-security learn-limit 4
Switch#show port-security learn-limit
We are configuring the learn limit on interface ge1/4 as 4.
Auto binding feature is also available with which the port dynamically learns the MAC-address as per the limit set (if set).
Navigate to the MAC Binding → MAC Binding Configuration, select the port on which binding is to be configured, specify the mac address of the device and the VLAN ID it is in and click ‘Apply’.
The format of the mac address should be ‘hhhh.hhhh.hhhh’. As shown below, any other device with a MAC address other than those shown in the list will not be able to access the network through that port.
In CLI, enter the interface configuration mode and enter the following commands:
Switch(config)#interface ge1/2
Switch(config-ge1/2)#switchport port-security mac-bind <mac_address> vlan <vlanID>
● In place of <mac_address> specify the mac address of the device for mac binding.
● In place of <vlanID> enter the VLAN ID.
We have configured b083.fe67.bf47 as the MAC address to port ge1/2 as shown below.
Switch#show port-security mac-bind
MAC Filtering is for specifying the MAC addresses from/to which traffic is blocked for a particular interface/port. It basically acts as a black list of MAC addresses to be blocked from accessing the network. It is a security method based on access control. It helps in preventing unwanted access to the network.
To configure MAC filtering in web GUI, navigate to MAC Filter → MAC Filter Configuration, choose the port on which MAC-Filtering is to be configured, specify the MAC address to be blocked (filtered), enter the VLAN ID and click ‘Apply’. The format for MAC address entry is ‘hhhh.hhhh.hhhh’. An example is shown below where aaaa.aaaa.aaaa is filtered on interface ge1/5.
To configure MAC Filtering in CLI follow these commands:
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#interface ge1/5
Switch(config-ge1/5)#switchport port-security mac-filter <mac_address> vlan <vlanid>
Switch#show port-security mac-filter
This will display the list of MAC address filtered